U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate to expert. Moderate use...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate ability. Little use...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
For hikers, bikers, motorcyclists, and ATV riders...
18300 West Alameda Parkway
Famous amphitheatre carved from rock...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Good connector trail...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate-advanced. Moderate use...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate ability...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Advanced ability. Little use...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Longest trail, with varied terrain...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate-advanced. Moderate use...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate to expert ability...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate ability. Moderate use...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate to expert ability...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate ability. Heavy use...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Intermediate ability. Very popular...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Trout Creek Trail, #649, leads in a 6.2 mile westward loop from Rampart Range Road. The trail passes through Trout Creek, which provides excellent fishing opportunities, but may be impassable in spring...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Noodle Trail, #677, is the longest trail in the Rampart Range Motorized Trail System. Consequently, it also has the most varied terrain. The trail leads 12.3 miles from Highway 67 southwest to Rampart Range Road...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Devil Slide Trail leads 6.4 miles south from trail 675 to trail 677. The trail is rated for intermediate to expert ability levels and sees moderate use...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
The Long Hollow Trail, #649, leads 5.5 miles south from Noodle Trail, #677. The route has an intermediate rating and receives little use. It may be made into a loop ride in connection with Trout Creek Trail, #649...
U.S. Forest Service
19316 Goddard Ranch Ct.
Tomahawk Trail is located on the northern end of the Rampart Range Motorized Trail System. It leads 3.2 miles north from Forest Road 507 to Trail #686...