Hauer Ranch
(435) 259-8015
NileGuide Expert tip:
Ask about the ride that checks out old filming locations
Horseback riding is de rigeur when you're visiting the American Southwest. Moab has an incredibly rich history of gunslingers and cowpokes, not to mention its fame as movie-making central when Westerns were all the rage. John Wayne loved Moab and spent plenty of time here on horseback. Novices to experts will enjoy a trail ride with these folks. Getting there: Take Highway 128 (the River Road) out of Moab to Mile Marker 21. This is the same intersection for Fisher Towers, but turn west toward the river, not east to Fisher Towers. Once on this dirt road, drive for 1/2 mile until the road divides. Bear right, through an open green gate. You are now on the Hauer Ranch and you will see several buildings. When the road divides next, take another right, and then a left. Voila! Horse central. Happy trails.