The Safe House


779 North Front Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202


(414) 271-2007


It may seem an unlikely place to host a top-secret bar, but the Safe House on Milwaukee's North Front Street is nothing if not secretive. Most people will pass by the bar's unmarked entrance without noticing it. Even if they do, they'll be greeted with an enigmatic sign: "We import and export between the following hours," followed by the establishment's hours of business. Indeed, even the website says nothing about a bar… or anything else, really.

Getting in to this den of thieves is another story all together: either you know the password or you don't. If you don't, you'll be heckled by the guys at the door and probably forced to do something completely degrading to get in. If you do know the password, you'll enter the bar to a resounding "booooo!" Why? Because there are CCTVs capturing the humiliation of those not privy to the password outside, providing entertainment for patrons.


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