Shopping Insights
Hammocks, panama hats, men's guayabera shirts, and women's huipiles – the native blouse beautifully embroidered around the shoulders, are the souvenirs most travelers seek out.
The best prices for locally made crafts are found in the two mercados, the Lucas de Galvez Market and the García Rejón Bazaar. The Casa de Artesanías is a government-run gallery with fixed prices on Mayan crafts, including handmade paper, purchased directly from indigenous artists. Artesanaria, a shop across from Santa Lucia Park, sells unique items from communities across Mexico. Amate is one of the finest sources of English language books about México in the entire country. Miniaturas offers hand-carved Day of the Dead figurines. Hamacas Mérida produces high-quality hammocks while Guayaberas Jack and El Sombrero Popular are respected sources for shirts and hats. Ki'Xocolatl features fine Mayan organic chocolates and chocolate beverages created by L'Amandine's Belgian master chocolatier Mathieu Brees.