Easily Machu Picchu Pueblo's most luxurious hotel and resort, staying at Inka Terra is like getting lost in a jungle paradise replete with orchids, trickling waterfalls and lush, overripe vegetation. The hotel itself is so sizeable, that daily three hour long nature walks are offered so that patrons may appreciate the natural habitat and indigenous plants and animals of the region. Bungalow style rooms with living areas and fireplaces are ample and clean and include breakfast and dinner as well as access to the plentiful services on-site. A spa, sauna, spring pond, multiple lobbies, eco-media center and gift shop are but a few of the amenities available to guests. Located far from the bustling commotion of the downtown tourist hub, staying at Inka Terra enables one to truly appreciate the lush ecosystem ofMachu Picchu's cloud forest, and perhaps the only drawback of staying here is the potential of never wanting to leave.