
The Gerland quarter, in the south of Lyon, is especially renowned for its football stadium, its pharmaceutical laboratories, its weekend traffic jams and its new university campus. The area is gradually coming to life after its industrial past, and this can be seen in the Halle Tony Garnier, the last vestige of the industrial estate built by the famous Lyonnais architect. Tony Garnier was also responsible for a contemporary of the Gratte Ciel — a utopian estate in the quartier des Etats Unis. Fans of modern architecture should also visit the Musée Urbain Tony Garnier, which details the architect's ideas, and appreciate the murals which adorn the façade of the buildings. Near the American quarter do not miss the wonderful Mosquée de Lyon.


Ninkasi Kafé

Ninkasi Kao

Palais des Sports

Bad's Club Café

Bourse du Travail

Cinema Comoedia

Halle Tony Garnier


Ninkasi Kao

Palais des Sports

Parc de Gerland

Parc du Confluent

Skatepark de Lyon


Centre d'Histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation

Sonia Rykiel

Eglise du Saint Sacrement

Grand Temple (Le)

Halle Tony Garnier

Mur Mur

Musée Africain


Pataterie (La)

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