Our visit will be for the Most Important monuments...
Luxor, Al - Uqsur, Qena, Egypt
Karnak Temple
Ports of Call Tours...
West Bank Central Ticket Office, Al - Qarnah, Al - Uqsur, Upper Nile Valley, Egypt
West Bank
Westbank, Egypt
West Bank
Tarek Wade Almolok, El Wahat El Kharga, Qena, Egypt
Louxor Temple Street, Luxor, Egypt
West Bank Central Ticket Office, Al - Qarnah, Luxor, Upper Nile Valley, Egypt
Cairo Road To Western Aswan, Qena, Egypt
Luxor, Awameya Road, Egypt
Luxor, P.O. Box 13, New Karnak, Egypt
Luxor, Valley of the Kings, Egypt
Tiba Road, Mahamid, Luxor, Egypt