Königstraße 17
Small Topics Theater...
25 Königstrasse
A Dancehall for the Middle-aged...
Fleischhauerstrasse 78 F
Romantic In-scene Pub...
55 Königstrasse
The Italian Oasis at the Shopping Arcade...
Breite Strasse 2
500-Year Old Tradition...
19 Koberg
Old Town Location for the Young and the Young at Heart...
Mengstraße 48-52
Italian Delight...
17 Markt
Lübeck's Oldest Café...
2a Alexanderstrasse
Café with a grand view...
23a Hüxtertorallee
Comfortable Film-House...
Beckergrube 16
The Play's the Thing...
Beckergrube 16
In The Spotlight...
Einsiedelstraße 6
Submarine Puppet Theatre...
Hüxstraße 115
Theater For Everyone...
Beckergrube 16
Chamber Plays...
25 Kronsforder avenue
Kolossal Good Fun...
Dr. Julius-Leber-Strasse 25
Laugh: It's For Your Health...
Willy-Brandt-Allee 10k
Am Holstenhafen - An der Muk
Ship Theater...
22 Holstenstrasse
Open-Air Theatre...
35a Eschenburgstrasse
Modern dance on Mondays...