Bars And Clubs Near St. Jurgen in Lubeck


approx 5 blocks
25 Kronsforder avenue

Kolossal Good Fun...
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Kaffeehaus Pfeifer

approx 6 blocks
31a Kronsforder Allee
St. Jürgen

Unusual geteau creations...
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approx 7 blocks
9 Mühlenbrücke

See and be seen...
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Im Alten Zolln

approx 8 blocks
Mühlenstrasse 93-95

From a Customs Post to a Pub...
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Lichtspiele Hoffnung

approx 8 blocks
23a Hüxtertorallee

Comfortable Film-House...
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approx 10 blocks
Hüxterdamm 14

Dancing By The Canal...
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Theater Combinale

approx 10 blocks
Hüxstraße 115

Theater For Everyone...
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approx 11 blocks
Hüxstraße 94

Have a Drink & Relax...
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Chapeau Claque

approx 11 blocks
Hartengrube 25

A Fun Night Out...
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approx 11 blocks
Hüxstraße 58

Feel the Chill...
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approx 12 blocks
89 Fleischhauerstrasse

Little in-scene pub...
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approx 12 blocks
Dankwartsgrube 42
Inh. Oliver Striepling

Pub With Weekly Theme Nights...
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approx 12 blocks
Fleischhauerstrasse 78 F

Romantic In-scene Pub...
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Neue Freilichtbühne Johanneum

approx 13 blocks
Bei St. Johannis 1

Music School Showcase...
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approx 13 blocks
64 Königstrasse

Ice cream in old walls...
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approx 14 blocks
Grosse Petersgrübe 11

Bar in a Hostelry...
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approx 14 blocks
Große Petersgrube 17-29

Modern Facility...
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Café Niederegger

approx 14 blocks
Breite Straße 89

Coffee and Conversations...
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Musikerlebnis hinter historischen Fassaden

approx 14 blocks
Große Petersgrube 21

Lübeck´s College of Music...
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Markt Anno Dazumal

approx 14 blocks

Nostalgic market on the town hall square...
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