Religious Sights in Lima

Peru was founded under the sign of Evangelization: one of the most visible "official" motivations of the Spanish conquistadores was bringing their religion to these lands, to save people's souls. So the Catholic religion was established here right from the early 1530s; nowadays, more than 460 years after, it still has a strong presence in Peru, and more than 80% of the Peruvians claim to be Catholic.

The public presence of the Catholic church is still not only in the state official ceremonies (beginning with the inauguration of the president with high mass in the Cathedral) but also in the observance of major Peruvian saints' days and festivals. And of course, the old Baroque Colonial churches remain as a monument of this presence.

Concentrated mostly in Lima Downtown, the most relevant Catholic monuments that we suggest to see would be the Cathedral (Catedral de Lima, the most important in Lima; the Palacio Arzobispal,administrative headquarters of the Catholic Church in Peru: the Iglesia de San Francisco y Museo (and its catacombs), the Iglesia de La Merced, with its red facade; the Iglesia de las Nazarenas, home of a sacred image of the Lord of the Miracles; the Iglesia de San Pedro, the most exquisite example of the luxury of the church during viceroyalty times; the Iglesia y Convento de Santo Domingo, home of local saint Saint Martin de Porres, and the Iglesia y Santuario de Santa Rosa de Lima.

However, the ancient Peruvians' animistic beliefs were never completely exterminated, and nowadays you can still see native populations celebrating their traditional adoration ceremonies. But while in Lima, the closest experience would be visiting two ancient sacred places: Cerro San Cristóbal (the ancient Apu or "protector") and Huaca Pucllana, a former adoration place that is now an archaeological site that houses a museum and a gourmet restaurant.

Catedral de Lima (La)

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Plaza Mayor
Lado este de la Plaza Mayor de Lima, Jirón Carabaya

The main Cathedral in Lima and Peru...
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Palacio Arzobispal

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Plaza de Armas de Lima
Costado de la Catedral

Colonial palace of the Viceroyalty...
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Iglesia de San Francisco y Museo

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Plaza de San Francisco

Important architectural complex in Lima...
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Iglesia de La Merced

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Jirón de la Unión 621

The Oldest Church...
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Cerro San Cristóbal

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Near the Rimac River

Stunning view of the whole city...
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Iglesia de las Nazarenas

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Huancavelica 515, with Tacna Avenue
, cuadra 5

Home to an image of the Lord of Miracles...
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Iglesia de San Pedro

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Azángaro 451 and Ucayali

Built by Jesuits in 1638...
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Iglesia y Convento de Santo Domingo

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Conde de Superunda 200

Built at the end of the 16th century...
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Santa Rosa de Lima

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Tacna, block 1
, cuadra 1

Patroness of Peru, America and Philippines...
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Huaca Pucllana

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General Borgoño Cuadra 8

In the Heart of Miraflores...
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