6 St. Peters Square
3 St Peter's Building, St Peter's Square
Popular Sunday night at the Wardrobe...
Quebec Street
Live Music and Lots of Laughs...
16 Merrion Street
Popular Chic Venue...
Cross York Street
Dash Into Life...
76-78 North Street
Cafe-bar Culture...
16-18 Woodhouse Lane
Many Clubs In One Space...
52 -56 Boar Lane
Wild Dancing...
2 Infirmary Street
Heritage Venue...
Greek Street
Yorkshire House
Trendy Bar & Party Spot...
Wellington Street
West Point
Swanky Restaurant in West End...
Courthouse Street
Entertainment and Arts Centre...
31 Harrogate Road
An Abode of Arts...
Kirkstall Road
Warner Village
One of the Biggest and Best in Leeds...
Market Walk
A Legendary Ongoing Show...
Bowling Green Terrace
Victoria Works Warehouse
Entertain in Style!...
Swan Street
Traditional Music Hall...
2-8 Call Lane
Musical Nightclub...
46 New Briggate
Century-Old City Theatre...
54 New Briggate
Gatecrashing Is Allowed Here!...
Lifton Place
University of Leeds
Get Involved...