After a long day hiking or skiing at Tahoe, there is nothing better than getting a spa or facial or even hopping into a bubbling natural hot spring. There is a little bit of everything up at the lake. test
For a special treat, head to any of the casinos or ski resorts for a spa or massage.
The Spa at Squaw Creek is the lap of luxury as well as the
Elements Spa at the Tahoe Lakeshore Lodge. You can also enjoy a massage or some yoga at the Balance Holistic Health at the
Village at Northstar.
For some relaxation away from the ski resorts, try a
Massage for All Seasons in South Lake Tahoe. This area has a nice selection of natural hot springs. The most popular being
David Walley's in Genoa and
Steamboat Villa Hot Springs near the Mt. Rose Highway. Visit
Grover's Hot Springs for the beautiful scenery and Sierra Hot Springs in
Sierraville for some clothing-optional bathing.
P.O Box 3333, 400 Squaw Creek Road
Relaxation guaranteed...
930 Bal Bijou Road
The place to go while gambling at The Lake...
2001 Foothill Road
Pampering in Nevada's oldest town...
3415 Hot Springs Road
P.O. Box 188
Low-key hot springs...
Northstar Drive
6 miles north of Kings Beach
Thrill in the snow...
2660 Lake Tahoe Boulevard
Relaxation therapy in South Lake...
Hwy 89 North
P.O. Box 95
The Sierraville Ranger District encompasses the northeastern portion of the Tahoe National Forest. This District is located around the small towns of Randolph and Loyalton...