Koblenz Transportation
Cities near Koblenz for a road trip
Bonn, The Rhineland
Cologne, The Rhineland
Frankfurt, Frankfurt Area
Wiesbaden, Frankfurt Area
Bad Homburg, Frankfurt Area
Bad Nauheim, Frankfurt Area
Worms, The Rhineland
Cochem, The Mosel Valley
Zell an der Mosel, The Mosel Valley
Mainz, The Rhineland
The Rheingau, The Rhineland
Bad Godesberg, The Rhineland
Traben-Trarbach, The Mosel Valley
Bernkastel-Kues, The Mosel Valley
Bergisch Gladbach, The Rhineland
Rudesheim, The Rhineland
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road trips from Koblenz, or look for
cities 1 hour from Koblenz or
100 miles from Koblenz.
cost to drive from Frankfurt, Germany to Koblenz
cost to drive from Cologne, Germany to Koblenz
cost to drive from Paris, France to Koblenz
cost to drive from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Koblenz
[ source data from
and DistanceCalc ]