High Street
Beautiful Flora...
12 miles north of New Ross
Superb Location for Anglers...
High Street
Kilkenny's Restaurant & Shopping District...
Thomastown-Kilkenny Road
Pretty and Picturesque 14th-century Village...
20 High Street
Urban Fashion...
63 High Street
More than workwear...
66 High Street
Ladies Fashion on High Street...
81 High Street
For Heavy Sweaters...
24 Friary Street
Fine Gowns...
62 High Street
Well Respected Jewelers...
67 High Street
Ideal for bookworms...
The Estate Yard
Come One, Come All!...
Rose Inn Street
10 Maple Drive
A Leisurely Stroll...
Bennettsbridge Road
Social History...
Parliament Street
On the Site of Grace's Castle...
72 John Street
County Art...
10 Miles South of Kilkenny City
Historic Setting for a Pretty Village...
Bohercrussia Street
Conker It!...
Popular for film shoots...