Blue Planet Kayak - Eco Tours & Rentals
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Key West, FL 33040
(800) 979-3370
Blue Planet explores sheltered kayak-only waters, in single and tandem sit-in boats. What is unique about these tours is you have the luxury of an environmental scientist accompanying you on tour. Choose from a morning, afternoon, sunset-starlight or custom, group tour. This is a small company, so call ahead to arrange. Even if you have your own kayak!
More and more visitors are stepping, paddling or snorkeling through the Keys specifically to see the natural beauty of the island chain. Preservation is a priority in the Keys, and is Blue Planet's. Thus the name! Owner Chad Bryant has a background in botany, marine science, oceanography and bird research. The interest in ecotours should not be surprising, and Blue Planet Kayak tours hones in on the small, owner-operated aspect of an environment-centric attraction.