Educational Bookshop
NileGuide Expert Says:
Best place to meet people in eastern Jerusalem
User Rating:
19 Salh Al Din Street
Jerusalem, Israel
NileGuide Expert tip:
Largest selection of foreign language newspapers and magazines for browsing..
The Educational Bookshop boasts a great range of English language books on subjects related to the Middle East, together with an intimate and cozy cafe that's a great place to stop and read, meet friends, make new friends or just enjoy a rest stop in this fascinating part of town.
Located on one of the main commercial streets of eastern Jerusalem, the Educational Bookshop often hosts guest speakers and films, concerts and presentations in the meeting space on the lower level. It's a great place to run into people working for the plethora of non-governmental organizations whose offices are scattered nearby, Arab students, visitors from all over the world and yes, even some local residents!
The cafe serves up a simple menu of sandwiches, desserts and assorted drinks.