Most of Jerusalem's must-see historic sites are concentrated in and around the Old City. This is the place to step back into Christian, Jewish and Muslim history and to uncover the layers of Jerusalem through archaeological finds, museums and even cemeteries. To the east of the Old City, the Kidron Valley and the Mount of Olives will take you back to biblical times--this is where King David and Jesus walked and prophets are buried. The City of David, just to the south of the Old City,is one of Israel's largest national archeological parks and will give you a picture of what Jerusalem looked like all the way back to Canaanite times. Lots of walking and hills involved in discovering all these historic sites, so come prepared with strong shoes, hat and water.
Shiloach village
Site of King David's city--learn about the origins of Jerusalem...
Western Wall Plaza
Walk underground along the length of the Western Wall...
2 Tiferet Yisrael Street
Jewish Quarter
Preserved Second Temple home...
1 Hakaraim Street
Jewish Quarter
Tour a wealthy Second Temple-era Jerusalem neighborhood...
Jewish Quarter
Old City
Restored Roman street...
Ha-Tsanhanim Street
Crowded gate with market leading into Arab Quarter...
Suq Khan e-Zeit
Christian Quarter
One of the most important Christian sites.Believed by many orthodox Christians and Catholics to be the site where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected...
25 Granot St
Beside the Israel Museum
Archaeology, history and religion...
Mount of Olives Road
(a short passageway near the Tomb of Mary)
Franciscan shrine...