Jerusalem is holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims and you'll find their holiest sites in and around the Old City. Jewish and Christian sites are open to all--just be sure to dress modestly--but the main Muslim holy sites are closed to non-Muslims. Check the calendar before you visit--on the three Jewish pilgrimage festivals of Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot, the Jewish holy places are jammed, and at Easter and Christmas, the Christian sites are likewise overrun with pilgrims. Churches, mosques and synagogues from every period of history as well as cemeteries from all three religions are scattered throughout the city. Most of the interesting historic churches and Christian tombs are concentrated in the Old City, the Mount of Olives and the Kidron Valley. Muslim holy sites are in the Old City and ancient Jewish holy places are in the Old City and the Mount of Olives. Contemporary Jewish sites, such as 19th and 20th-century synagogues still in use, are to be found in the older neighborhoods of Jerusalem such as Meah Shearim and the Bukharan Quarter.
Ein Kerem
Above the Spring of Virgin
Franciscan church...
Ha-Yehudim St 89
Newly renovated central synagogue in the Jewish Quarter...
Bet El and Misherot Hakehuna
Restored synagogue in Old City...
Ha Tuppim Road and Misherot Hakehuna
Old Sephardic synagogues...
Temple Mount (Al Haram al-Sharif)
Next to Dome of the Rock
Jerusalem's most holy mosque...
24 Muristan Rd
Between Muristan Bazaar and Suq Khan es Zeit Bazaar
Lutheran Church and tower with fabulous 360ยบ view...
Suq Khan e-Zeit
Christian Quarter
One of the most important Christian sites.Believed by many orthodox Christians and Catholics to be the site where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected...
Rehavia Valley
below the Israel Museum
Greek Orthodox monastery...
Mt Zion
Rooftop outlook on top of the Room of the Last Supper and David's Tomb on Mt Zion...
Mount of Olives
Ancient and modern Jewish cemetery...