Bars And Clubs Near Halifax Citadel in Halifax

Palace (The)

approx 3 blocks
1721 Brunswick Street

Opulent Nightclub...
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Halifax Alehouse

approx 3 blocks
1717 Brunswick Street

Celtic Brew Pub...
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Bubbles Mansion

approx 3 blocks
5287 Prince Street

Munch, Sip & Dance...
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botaniCa Restaurant and Lounge

approx 3 blocks
1960 Brunswick Street
Citadel Halifax Hotel

Calm Comfort...
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Highlife Cafe

approx 4 blocks
2011 Gottingen Street

Curried Goat Anyone?...
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Wooden Monkey (The)

approx 4 blocks
1707 Grafton Street

No Monkeys Here...
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5 Fishermen (The)

approx 4 blocks
1740 Argyle Street

Select Seafood...
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Halifax Metro Centre

approx 4 blocks
1800 Argyle Street

Hockey Anyone?...
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Little Fish Restaurant & Oyster Bar

approx 4 blocks
1740 Argyle Street

Oyster Bar Happy Hour...
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Paragon Theatre (The)

approx 4 blocks
2037 Gottingen Street

Music Lovers' Ultimate Destination...
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Carleton (The)

approx 4 blocks
1685 Argyle Street

Food, Drinks & More!...
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Foggy Goggle

approx 5 blocks
1667 Argyle Street

A Place to Remember!...
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Seahorse Tavern (The)

approx 5 blocks
1665 Argyle Street

Popular Hangout in Halifax...
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Economy Shoe Shop Café & Bar

user rating

approx 5 blocks
1661-1663 Argyle Street

Four-in-One Hangout...
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Split Crow Pub

user rating

approx 5 blocks
1855 Granville Street

Having Fun for Many Years...
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Neptune Theatre

user rating

approx 5 blocks
1593 Argyle Street

Play Time...
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Argyle Bar & Grill

user rating

approx 5 blocks
1575 Argyle Street

Mealtime Playtime...
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Coconut Grove

approx 5 blocks
1567 Grafton Street

Groovy Nights!...
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Opa! Greek Taverna

user rating

approx 5 blocks
1565 Argyle Street

Lively Greek Dining...
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Cunard Centre

approx 5 blocks
961 Marginal Road

Latest Hotspot Of The City...
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