Bars And Clubs Near Dartmouth in Halifax

Eastern Front Theatre Company

approx 8 blocks
55 Ochterloney Street

Enjoy the Play...
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O'Carroll's Restaurant & Irish Pub

approx 1 mile
1860 Upper Water Street

Irish Feel...
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Julien's Patisserie Bakery and Cafe

approx 1 mile
5517 Young Street

The Authentic French Bakery...
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Company House (The)

approx 1 mile
2202 Gottingen Street

House of Entertainment...
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Bus Stop Theatre (The)

approx 1 mile
2203 Gottingen Street

Art's Own...
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North Street Church

approx 1 mile
5657 North Street

Former Church, Now an Event Space...
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Casino Nova Scotia

user rating

approx 1 mile
1983 Upper Water Street

Place your Bets...
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Gus' Pub & Grill

approx 1 mile
2605 Agricola Street

Rock On!...
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approx 1 mile
2606 Agricola Street

Art and Coffee...
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Paragon Theatre (The)

approx 1 mile
2037 Gottingen Street

Music Lovers' Ultimate Destination...
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Fife & Drum Pub

approx 1 mile
1919 Upper Water Street
Halifax Marriott Harbourfront

Traditional Scottish Pub...
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One World Café

user rating

approx 1 mile
2412 Agricola Street

Spruce Up Your English...
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botaniCa Restaurant and Lounge

approx 1 mile
1960 Brunswick Street
Citadel Halifax Hotel

Calm Comfort...
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Highlife Cafe

approx 1 mile
2011 Gottingen Street

Curried Goat Anyone?...
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Split Crow Pub

user rating

approx 1 mile
1855 Granville Street

Having Fun for Many Years...
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Salty's Restaurant

approx 1 mile
1869 Upper Water Street

Beside The Sea...
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Lower Deck (The)

user rating

approx 1 mile
1869 Upper Water Street

Beer, This Way...
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Stayner's Wharf

approx 1 mile
1781 Upper Water Street

Dine Under The Open Sky...
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5 Fishermen (The)

approx 2 miles
1740 Argyle Street

Select Seafood...
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Halifax Metro Centre

approx 2 miles
1800 Argyle Street

Hockey Anyone?...
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