The Bookworm Café


91 Rue Saint-Laurent
38000 Grenoble, France


+33 (0)476.252.998

NileGuide Expert tip:

With free Wifi and cozy couches, you could easily spend all day here


The Bookworm Café is one of the high spots of Anglophone life in Grenoble. With its cozy wood interior, emerald-green leather couches, and floral-print curtains, it's as close to an British tea room as you'll get this side of the English channel. The Bookworm Café serves a selection of teas and herbal teas, coffee, and fresh fruit juice which pair perfectly with the homemade scones and other English pastries.

The Bookworm is more than just a café though. Used English-language books available at discount prices line its walls. Clients can read one of the French or English language newspapers that the house subscribes to. They also promote the English language and culture with book clubs, poetry clubs, and English classes for small children based on songs, nursery rhymes, and stories. It is even possible to take high tea at the Bookworm, upon reservation.

The Bookworm supports local artists by displaying their works at the café. Information about what's on display is available on their Web site. This little café and tea room is one of Grenoble's most attractive. There's nothing fancy, but that's what makes it so welcoming—you'll feel right at home.


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