approx 6 blocks
Georgigasse 85
Interesting architecture featuring steel and concrete...
approx 8 blocks
Eggenberg Allée 90
Beautiful Castle...
approx 14 blocks
Waagner Biro Strasse 98a
Marriage Of Technology And Art...
approx 14 blocks
Friedhofgasse 20
approx 1 mile
Niesenbergergasse 16
Niesenbergergasse 16
Music Mania...
approx 1 mile
Mühlgasse 43
Amidst Lush Greens...
approx 1 mile
Lazarettgürtel 55
All in One Shopping...
approx 1 mile
Wienerstrasse 10
Lock the Door to Your Heart & Throw Away the Key...
approx 1 mile
Neubaugasse 6
Home to Popular Culture...
approx 2 miles
Mariahilferplatz 3
Holy Ground...
approx 2 miles
Mariahilferplatz 3
Museum for Sacred, Historic Objects...
approx 2 miles
Lendkai 1
Corner of Südtirolerplatz and Lendkai
A Fine Museum...
approx 2 miles
Lendkai 19
Amidst the River...
approx 2 miles
Off Thalerseestrasse
Arnold Schwarzenegger Roots...
approx 2 miles
Sackstrasse 17
Top Class Concerts...
approx 2 miles
Antique area with unique mythology...
approx 2 miles
Sackstrasse 18
Full of History...
approx 2 miles
(Innere Stadt)
The city's oldest church...
approx 2 miles
Sackstrasse 16
Schiele Paintings...
approx 2 miles
Sackstrasse 7
All-encompassing Department Store...