If stretching the budget is the top priority on your vacation to Ft. Lauderdale then these are the hotels for you. Don't worry you won't have shared bathrooms or unkempt quarters. Some of the nicer affordable places actually have complimentary breakfast, in room Wi-Fi and a gorgeous swimming pool. Not only are these quaint places so charming you are still close to all the wonderful restaurants, shopping and beaches Ft. Lauderdale is known for. So save that cash for those nights out on the town or to fill an extra suitcase with souvenirs!
1 N. Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd
4312 El Mar Dr
1924 North Atlantic Boulevard
Bed and Breakfast on the Beach...
2900 Belmar St
A Tropical Hideaway...
506 SE 16th Street
Cheap and Cozy...
4900 Powerline Road
Charming Spanish-Style Hotel...
625 N Ft. Lauderdale Beach BLV