This hotel is grand as it is situated right inside Piazza Santa Maria Novella. There are double, triple and family suites which are designed for families with children. In each room there is free Wi-Fi internet, kettle for coffee and tea, air conditioning, mini-bar, hair dryer, satellite TV and safe-deposit box for passports and other valuables. There are also amenitites for women who are traveling alone as well. There are complimentary services like natural beauty products, magazines, no room service dinner surcharge. If it is available, women traveling alone could be upgraded to a Superior room. Some things that are offered to children that stay in this hotel are drawing kit and a map of the kids' favorite destinations in town. There are also nannies upon request if you would like to enjoy a night on the town. There is a wide panoramic terrace on the rooftop with a pool to relax by. Comfortable sun beds are at the guest disposal to soak in some Tuscan sun. Great aperitivi are offered on the rooftop bar and restaurant.