Winslow made its mark on the Arizona map when The Eagles', "Take It Easy" became their first single hit in the 1970s. Tourists from everywhere wanted to "stand" on that famous corner. There's more than just a corner to see in Winslow though. Historic La Posado restaurant and hotel downtown delight This magnificent property was designed by renowned architect, Mary Colter, and is the last of the Great Harvey Houses of the 1930s. The hotel has been restored and boasts beautiful gardens throughout the spectacular southwestern architecture.
Winslow's Remembrance Garden pays tribute to victims and families of 9/11 with actual fallen beams, the largest pieces given to any city in the nation, entrusted from the City of New York. Route 66 buffs can check out railroad memorabilia near the La Posada Hotel and history enthusiasts will marvel at Hopi, Navajo and Anasazi artifacts and vintage clothing at the Old Trails Historical Museum locatated in an old bank building in the heart of the downtown district. A wide range of outdoor activities at nearby Clear Creek, and a visit to Brigham City, Meteor Crater or Homolovi Ruins State Park can round out a full weekend in Winslow.