Figueres Transportation

Cities near Figueres for a road trip

  • Perpignan, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Alenya, Basque Country
  • Argeles Sur Mer, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Banyuls Sur Mer, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Cabestany, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Canet En Roussillon, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Ceret, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Collioure, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Font Romeu, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Le Boulou, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Prades, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Prats De Mollo La Preste, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Rivesaltes, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Saint Cyprien, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Torreilles, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Vernet Les Bains, Languedoc Roussillon
  • Cassà de la Selva, Catalonia
  • Check the road conditions around Figueres, search for more cities near Figueres, explore different road trips from Figueres, or look for cities 1 hour from Figueres or 100 miles from Figueres.

  • cost to drive from Barcelona, Spain to Figueres
  • [ source data from Travelmath and DistanceCalc ]

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