Falmouth Transportation
Cities near Falmouth for a road trip
Bar Harbor, Downeast Maine
Lincoln, Downeast Maine
Bingham, Kennebec & Moose River Valley
Dexter, Kennebec & Moose River Valley
Jackman, Kennebec & Moose River Valley
Waterville, Kennebec & Moose River Valley
Brewer, Mid Coast
Orono, Mid Coast
Freeport, Portland & Casco Bay Region
Sebasco Estates, Mid Coast
Westbrook, Portland & Casco Bay Region
Wells, Southern Maine Coast
Bangor, Mid Coast
Greenville, Highlands
Moosehead Lake, Aroostook
Augusta, Kennebec & Moose River Valley
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100 miles from Falmouth.
cost to drive from Boston, MA to Falmouth
[ source data from
and DistanceCalc ]