Dead Sea Facts
Interesting Facts about Dead Sea
1. One of the most interesting and well-known facts about the Dead Sea is that it's the lowest point on earth--more than 1300 feet below sea level.
2. A disturbing fact is that the Dead Sea is receding at a rapid rate (around 5 feet per year) due to the water that runs into the Dead Sea being diverted by local communities and industries on both the Israeli and Jordanian sides.
3. If nothing is done about it, the Dead Sea could disappear altogether by 2050.
4. A random fact about the Dead Sea--it's not really a sea at all. It's a actually a lake that's 80 km long and 16 km wide.
5. In Hebrew the Dead Sea is known as
Yam HaMelakh--the salt sea, a pretty accurate description of a body of water that is 33 percent salt--six times as salty as the ocean.
6. Because of its extraordinarily high salt content, one of the fun facts about the Dead Sea is that humans can float in it. Take your newspaper and have a read whilst floating in the Dead sea.
7. That same high salt content means that you won't want to step foot in the Dead Sea if you have even a paper cut anywhere on your body. Ouch!!
8. An interesting fact about the Dead Sea in 2010--it's in the running to be named one of the 7 Wonders of Nature.
9. Given all the salt and intense heat, you can actually stay safely in the sun for longer than at sea level--the extremely low area means that the sunlight is UVB -filtered and causes much less damage.
10. Random Dead Sea Fact--there are 13 hotels in or near the Ein Bokek resort area on the Israeli side of the Dead Sea.
11. The lowest nature reserve on Earth is located on the banks of the Dead Sea. It's Ein Fashkha, which features a lovely fresh-water lagoon hidden amongst the rushes.
12. It's a fact that you can travel from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea in about 40 minutes.
Things to See in Dead Sea