Restaurants Near Downtown in Dalian

Zhuang Jia Yuan Restaurant

approx 3 blocks
2F Wai Jing Mao Mansion

Country Food in the City...
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Brooklyn Bar and Restaurant

approx 7 blocks
184 Bulao Jie
Olympic Square

A Slice of New York...
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Lu Yuan Restaurant

approx 8 blocks
148 Chang Chun Road

Eat Well...
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Gourmand Restaurant

approx 12 blocks
244 Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) Road

A Grand Restaurant...
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Loong Yuen Restaurant

approx 13 blocks
288 Zhongshan Road

Two Cuisines...
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Mingzhu Revolving Restaurant

approx 1 mile
8 Shenli Square
Bohai Pearl Hotel

Dine with a View...
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William's Café

approx 1 mile
8 You Hao (Friendship) Square

Western Restaurant in the Heart of the City...
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Pizza King Restaurant

approx 1 mile
Youhao (Friendship) Square, Youhao Road

Dalian Version of Pizza...
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Sun City

approx 1 mile
109 Youhao Road

Seafood Feast...
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Xin Xing Fanzhuan Entertainment Complex

approx 1 mile

Little Hong Kong Restaurant Row...
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Pujiang Restaurant

approx 1 mile
122 Wusi Road

Vibrant Menu...
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Tan Yu Tou Hotpot

approx 1 mile
Tong Tai Street and Wan Sui Street

Original Hotpot Cooking...
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Hans Pub

approx 1 mile
268 Jiefang Road

For Homesick Westerners...
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Han Zhong Restaurant

approx 2 miles
22 Fu Shun Street

Famous Korean Restaurant...
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Tian Tian Yu Gang

approx 2 miles
9 Qilin Lane

Tempting Delicacies from the Sea...
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Shuangsheng Yuan Restaurant

approx 2 miles
1 Anle Street

One of the City's Finest Dining Spots...
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Sorabol Korean Restaurant

approx 2 miles
No. 60 Renmin Road
Furama Hotel

Authentic Korean Cuisine...
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Benshan Entertainment

approx 2 miles
88 Mingzhe Street

A Company Run by a Comedy Star...
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Yeli Feiniu Hot Pot City

approx 2 miles
分店:民主広場 金璧大酒店2层

Famous Beef Broth and Star Rated Service...
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F2 Bar

approx 2 miles
66 Renmin Road
Shangri-La Hotel

Fun for Everyday...
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