NileGuide Expert Says:
Best yogurt in Los Cabos.
(624) 146-4672
NileGuide Expert tip:
Prices are by weight, not flavors or combinations.
Yogurlicious is a recent addition to Los Cabos, a self-serve yogurt emporium that lets guests help themselves to a large menu of flavors, sauces, and toppings. They opened last year in Plaza Sendero, and have since opened a second location at Plaza Chico in San Jose del Cabo. The shop has a vivid and colorful decor, and with its rich array of live culture, nonfat, sugar-free yogurts, has become a popular stop for local families. There is a rotating menu of forty flavors(with ten available each week)like banana, chocolate, vanilla, cheesecake, and dulce de leche; toppings like raspberry, cherry, strawberry, kiwi, nuts, granola, and assorted candies; sauces like eggnog, blueberry, orange, lemon, chocolate, mango, and peach. The variety of combinations here is seemingly infinite, and all of them are delicious. This is the perfect cool treat for a hot day in Los Cabos.