4405 Central Boulevard
Social Venue...
7837 Canada Way
Keeping Serbian Traditions Alive...
7373 MacPherson Avenue
Grand Performing Space...
4555 East Hastings Street
Movies Anytime...
220-6200 McKay Avenue
Celebrating Cinema...
4260 East Hastings Street
The Original Pasta Bar...
4700 Kingsway
Metro Town shopping mall
Silver Screened Movies...
6450 Deer Lake Avenue
Deer Lake Park
Named After Famous Local Artists...
6200 Kingsway
Live Country Music...
The Best of NileGuide
The fun in Burnaby doesn’t stop when the sun goes down. Some even argue that that’s when it starts. Bars, clubs, lounges and live music venues—it’s all reason for us to put our dancing shoes on and raise to toast to Burnaby. Will you join in?