Castles, Palaces & Historic Buildings in Buenos Aires

Considering that the nation was founded in 1810, Argentina has very little architecture that dates back beyond then. That said, the country quickly became organized and began to profit from its quite bankable natural resources, and as the economy grew, the nation turned its focus towards the grandiose. The top architects were brought in from France and England to turn Buenos Aires from a provincial settlement to a glamorous example of the possibilities that the new world held. Today we can still marvel over the buildings constructed during that time, such as the stunning Congreso de la Nación, presiding majestically over the Plaza Congreso, and the Teatro Colón, which just recently underwent a massive, four-year renovation and is in prime condition to be visited both inside and out. Admirers of fabulous palaces will be impressed by the Palacio San Martín in Plaza San Martín, the former residence of the wealthy Anchorena family, and the imposing, sharply contrasting rationalist tower across the park, the Edificio Kavanagh. After catching a glimpse of the two impossible-to-miss buildings, peer down the gentle slope of the park for the best view in the city of the beautiful, English-designed Estación Retiro.

Palacio Barolo

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expert pick

Av. de Mayo 1370
At San José, Administrative office 9th floor, desks 249-252

Architectonical marvel...
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Bolívar 65
At Rivadavia

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Congreso de la Nación

Avenida Rivadavia 1864
Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen 1849

Headquarters of the town representatives...
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Confitería del Molino

Callao 10
At Rivadavia, next to Congreso

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Palacio de Aguas Argentinas

Avenida Córdoba 1750

Water palace...
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Teatro Colón

user rating

Cerrito 618

Bestowed with Admirable Acoustics...
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Edificio Kavanagh

Florida 1065

Rationalist tower with a dramatic history...
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Casa de Cultura & Palacio de Gobierno

Av. de Mayo 575
At San Martín, near Plaza de Mayo

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Palacio San Martín

Arenales 700

Headquarters of the Foreign Ministry...
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