Av. Alvear 1891
At Ayacucho in the Alvear Palace Hotel
BA's #1 destination for French cuisine...
Humberto Primo 319/333
Upscale Basque Cuisine in the Barrio...
Reconquista 1076
At Paraguay
Posadas 1052
At Av. 9 de Julio in La Recova, near the Four Seasons Hotel
Av. de Mayo 1199
At San José
Bernardo de Yrigoyen 180
At Alsina
Sarmiento 1599
Classic Argentine Restaurant/Bar...
Beruti 2602
Downtown Spanish wine and cheese specialties...
Rocha 801
Homage to Argentinean cooking...
Guatemala 5602
At Fitzroy
Exotic flavors and ambiance...
Soler 5608
A eclectic mix of Asia...
Billinghurst 450
A soccer fan/meat lover's paradise in blue collar Almagro...
Posadas 1232 Capital Federal
Luxurious and relaxing opulence...
Venezuela 1399
The best food from Spain...
Maza 457
Local products with Spanish flare...
Cerrito 8
Spanish cuisine at its best...