Branford Attractions

Bread Star Bakery

1008 Main Street

Handmade Breads...
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By the Sea Inn & Spa

107 Montowese St

Escape the ordinary...
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Scenic Route 146

Route 146

Scenic Drive...
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Branford Chamber of Commerce

239 Main Street

Branford Tourist Information...
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Thimble Island Cruise

34 Sachem Road

Sea Mist Cruises...
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The Best of NileGuide
There’s never a reason to be bored in Branford. There are just too many things to do. Start with the must-see attractions, move to the big sights and fine museums, check out some tours, dig in to some outdoor activities, and work your way down to the between-the-cracks, off-the-beaten-path gems. Just leave some time to catch your breath.

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