Things To Do Near Kreuzbergkirche in Bonn


approx 1 block
Stationsweg 21

Baroque Church from the Era of Elector Ferdinand...
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approx 5 blocks
Trierer Straße 59

Students' swimming pool...
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Heimatmuseum Lengsdorf

approx 8 blocks
Lengsdorfer Hauptstraße 16

Old Is gold...
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approx 11 blocks
Sebastianstrasse 182

Robert and Clara Schumann's House with a Public Music Library...
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Botanischer Garten der Universität Bonn

approx 14 blocks
Meckenheimer Allee 171

Peace and Tranquillity...
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Poppelsdorfer Schloss

approx 14 blocks
Meckenheimer Allee 171

Poppelsdorf's Main Sight...
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Mineralogisch-Petrologisches Museum

approx 15 blocks
Poppelsdorfer Schloss

The Rocks Of Bonn...
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Telekom Dome

approx 1 mile
Basketsring 1

Watch the Action Live...
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Kurfürstliches Gärtnerhaus

approx 1 mile

Artists and the electoral garden house...
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Heimatmuseum Beuel

approx 1 mile
Wagnergasse 2-4

Small Local Museum in a Pretty Half-timbered House...
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Rheinisches Landesmuseum

approx 1 mile
Colmanstrasse 14-16

Visit the Neanderthals...
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approx 1 mile
Gaußstrasse 1

Indoor Sports in Bonn...
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Hauptbahnhof Bonn

approx 1 mile
Am Hauptbahnhof

Historical Station from 1844...
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Alte Sternwarte

approx 1 mile

Old Star observatory by Schinkel...
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approx 1 mile
Weberstr 27

Unique clothes for women...
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approx 2 miles

Square with offices, restaurants and cafes...
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approx 2 miles
Poststraße 18

Youth Fashion at Cheap Prices...
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Kreuzkirche (Cross Church)

approx 2 miles

Jolly Jesus Tunes...
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Photo Porst

approx 2 miles
Poststrasse 20

Photo Accessories...
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Wolsdorff Tobacco

approx 2 miles
Poststraße 24

Tobacco Shop with a Large Selection...
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