A small town outside Bogota, home to many wonders...
Beautiful high altitude park within reach of downtown Bogota...
Carrera 7 con Calle 36-39
Watch Bogotanos get active in the Parque Nacional...
Carrera 2 No. 10-70
Natural Science Museum...
Transversal 71D No. 6-30 Sur
Amusement Park...
Kilómetro 16 vía mesitas del colegio San Antonio del Tequendama
Colombian fauna...
Avenida Calle 26, Nº 62 - 47
Enormous Shopping Mall close to the airport...
Av Carrera 7
Hit the streets and see the sights...
Avenida Carrera 60 No. 57-60
Aesthetically pleasing library within the confines of the Parque Simon Bolivar...
Km 15, Vía Guatavita-Sesquilé
Magical and majestic, perhaps the basis for the El Dorado legend...
Calle 13 con Carrera 11
Knock off jeans and curiosity shops in an edgier part of town...
Suba vía a Cota
Workshops on environmental education...