Calle 59 with Cra 7
Musical Fusion late into the night...
Carrera 1 No. 93-50
Chico Alto
Romancing the hills...
Av. 7 # 32-26 piso 41
As they say, 41 floors closer to the stars!...
Avenida 19 Av. 19 # 139-20
Carrera 14 No. 83-61
Small bar with a friendly atmosphere...
Calle 62 No. 9A - 65
Contemporary theatre...
Calle 93 A No. 12-65
Art Cinema...
Carrera 15 No. 123-30
Movies and more...
Cra 12 A 83-48
Bogota's original Irish is Pub is still the city's best...
Calle 10, No. 5-32
Classic-sSyle Theatre...
Calle 194
No 45-20
A Club For All...
Cra 5 17-76
all sorts of events...
Avenida Carrera 68 No. 90 – 88,
Cafam Floresta
Beauty and Grace, Inside and Out...
Autopista Norte Kilómetro 19
(Universidad Taller 5)
Student photography...
Calle 95 No. 47-15
Live Performances...