Hotels Near Downtown in Big Sur

Ventana Inn & Spa

expert pick

approx 5 blocks
48123 California 1
Big Sur, CA

"Ventana" means window in Spanish, and this luxurious inn offers a window to Carmel...
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Glen Oaks Big Sur

approx 1 mile
California 1

Modern rustic lodge style rooms and private cabins...
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Deetjen's Big Sur Inn & Restaurant

user rating

expert pick

approx 1 mile
48865 Highway 1
Hwy. 1

Cottages under the Redwoods...
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Ventana Inn & Spa

user rating

approx 1 mile
Off Highway 1
(28 miles from Carmel)

Luxury unveiled...
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Big Sur Lodge

approx 1 mile
47225 Highway 1
In Pfeiffer-Big Sur State Park, Hwy. 1

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Post Ranch Inn

approx 2 miles
47900 Hwy 1
Hwy. 1

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Post Ranch Inn

approx 2 miles
47900 California 1

Luxury resort...
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Treebones Resort

approx 2 miles
71895 Highway 1

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Big Sur River Inn

approx 2 miles
Highway One at Pheneger Creek

Riverside hotel...
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Big Sur River Inn

approx 2 miles
Highway One at Pheneger Creek

Riverside hotel with views, restaurant, and bar...
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New Camaldoli Hermitage

approx 7 miles
62475 California 1

A spiritual oasis on the cliffs of Big Sur...
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Post Ranch Inn & Spa

user rating

approx 12 miles
Highway 1

Ideal for rest and relaxation...
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Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

approx 13 miles
39171 Tassajara Road
Carmel Valley, CA

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Stonepine Estate

user rating

approx 15 miles
150 East Carmel Valley Road
Carmel, CA

Romantic revival...
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Blue Sky Lodge

user rating

approx 16 miles
10 Flight Road
Carmel Valley, CA

Peaceful & Relaxing...
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Country Garden Inns

approx 16 miles
102 W. Carmel Valley Rd.
Carmel Valley, CA

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Carmel Valley Lodge

approx 16 miles
8 Ford Rd At Carmel Valley Rd
Carmel Valley, CA

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Acacia Lodge

user rating

approx 16 miles
102 West Carmel Valley Road
Carmel, CA

European-style country inn...
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Carmel Valley Lodge

approx 16 miles
8 Ford Rd
Carmel Valley, CA

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Laureles Lodge (Los)

user rating

approx 17 miles
313 West Carmel Valley Road
Carmel, CA

Rustic Country Inn...
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