Moraine Lake

NileGuide Expert Says:

Moraine Lake is often overlooked, even though it's the most beautiful of the Rocky Mountain lakes.


P.O. Box 70
T0L Banff, Canada


(403) 522-3733


Moraine Lake used to be on the Canadian $20 bill. It's an iconic lake, one of the symbols of the beauty of our nation. Canadians take pride in the beauty of our wilderness. It is as much a part of our national identity as hockey, bacon, and being polite. The Valley of Ten Peaks, which surrounds Moraine Lake, couldn't be more beautiful if it had been planned for tourism. The glacier fed waters are an almost 'fake' looking turquoise. The fact that the lake isn't near the Trans-Canada Highway also helps. Lake Louise gets most of the tourist traffic (and it deserves the traffic), and Moraine Lake gets forgotten about. So, if you're looking for a superior lake with less traffic (who wouldn't want that??), Moraine Lake is your spot. Moraine Lake Lodge is one of Alberta's finest lodges, and it is run in an environmentally friendly way. It's a great place to stop for lunch (or, better, to stay!). Hiking around Moraine Lake is an experience you will never forget. Don't forget to bring a camera!


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