Baltimore's rich history endows its streets with some of the best landmarks in the Mid-Atlantic. The top ten castles, palaces, and historic buildings in the city date back to the early 1800's. It's a wonder that through all the fires, riots, and natural events, they're still standing.
At the top of our "best of" list is Ft. McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine. It is Baltimore's most famous and historically significant landmark.
2400 East Fort Avenue
Inspiration for the National Anthem...
699 Washington Pl
Mt. Vernon Place and Charles St
Baltimore's Monument to George Washington...
203 N. Amity St
Writer's Baltimore Home...
717 Eastern Avenue
Explore Baltimore's Maritime History...
1417 Thames Street
Chronicaling African-American History...
601 President Street
First Casualties of Civil War...
800 East Lombard Street
A Trip Down History Lanes...
600 North Paca Street
Historic Home Of A Saint...