Galaxy Bar
NileGuide Expert Says:
Where the novelists drink, famous and not-so.
(+30) 210 322 77 33
Not to be confused with the upscale, up-high, Galaxy bar on top of the Hilton Hotel, this bar is hidden in a stoa - a small corridor off of Stadiou Street- and perfect for brooding or conversing with the bartender like in old movies. It's rumored that both Ernest Hemingway and Henry Miller haunted this bar and the dark, wood-paneled, smoke-stained walls certainly does give off a tortured-artist haven feel.
We recommend this bar for drinks, discussions, and something unusual in the sometimes candy-coated bars and nightclubs in and around Athens. We don't recommend it for finding a lively crowd or finding pretty girls as it seems to appeal more to the gentlemen bracket.