Blijburg Aan Zee - Amsterdam

NileGuide Expert Says:

In the winter it's a great place to admire the typical light over the huge Ijselmeer lake that inspired so many of the great master artists. In the summer it's a vibrant beach with restaurant attracting all sort of people to a day/night of chilling out, campfires and mellow music on the water's edge. Only 15 minutes by tram from Amsterdam centre.


Muiderlaan 1001, 1087 VA Amsterdam
1087VA Amsterdam, Netherlands


020 4160330


Blijburg is one of around 10 of Amsterdam's city beaches, located on the Ijmeer (formerly part of the North Sea) around 5 kilometres from Central Station. It is the only beach that remains open the whole year round.

In the summer it's a mix of families, hippies and those who want to be seen. The large café/restaurant sets the scene for the beach which has a relaxed and arty feel about it. The entrance is through an arch constructed of recycled materials and the beach itself has a number of Buddha statues positioned around it. On most summer evenings a bonfire is lit in a fire pit near to the restaurant, and someone produces a guitar. On a warm evening, it easy to forget that you're on a beach in Amsterdam with the sound of the water, a roaring fire and soft music. On a hot day, it's also a great escape from the heat of the city and true place to chill out. Everything operates at about half the speed of city life.

The restaurant and café on the beach also has a great slightly hippy vibe. It's a temporary construction as the beach will move in a few years. But don't be misled, it's very much shabby chique. The sort of place that would be at home on a Thai island.

Getting there takes around 20 minutes from Central Station. Tram 26 departs every 10 minutes in the direction off Ijburg. Get out at the last stop Blijburg and walk 5 minutes in the direction of the water. You'll clearly see the flags of Blijburg.


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