NileGuide Expert Says:
Trnquil elegance with gentle lighting, great views and safe and appealing Mexican dishes.
Carretera Escénica 33 Bis
Acapulco de Juarez, Guerrero CP
39880 Acapulco, Mexico
(+52) 744 - 446 5636
NileGuide Expert tip:
Book your cab in advance and ask your waiter or receptionist upon arrival about doing the same. Adventurous palates may suffer as this is very all-round pleasing and pretty.
Elegant and relaxed restaurant with a history full of mini skirts and hotpants. It has changed name and come under the auspices of chef Richard Sandoval with opera singer Plácido Domigo as one of the partners. This however does not mean grand music while you design nor cutting edge cuisine. The food is coastal, and uses typical Prehispanic / traditional Mexican ingredients such as chayote, chipotle, huazontle and huitlacoche. Safe rather than daring, tasteful rather than challenging, this is a good place to chill and enjoy. Pámpano does not vibrate with Acapulco's usual chaotic nonsense. Best not to wear jeans.