NileGuide Expert Says:
Great architecture, and the cutest Sommelier in town.
Carretera Escénica, KM14
Acapulco, Mexico
(+52) 744 - 446 7402
NileGuide Expert tip:
Dress to the nines to eat here as the up-scale design and great sea views as well as good food and wine bring in Acapulco high society and you don't want to feel like a schleppy tourist.
This stylish Italian restaurant, open plan over three floors, is a favorite with local high society, especially the elders, and accordingly offers excellent service and cuisine. There are some memorable dishes, beautifully presented and delicately prepared, such as the seafood spaghetti allo scoglio and fresh tuna with thyme. Becco's pride is its wine cellar, so those in search of great Italian wines will be delighted. The design here is glass, stone and chrome, with optical tricks and patterns to mimic the waves rolling below. You may feel as though you are in a film set.