Attikon Theater


19 Stadiou
Athens, Greece


+30 210 3228821

NileGuide Expert tip:

The Attikon is closed during the summers as most Greeks prefer open air cinemas to enjoy the good weather.


If you want a truly Athenian evening event, you must go to a showing at the Attikon movie theater on Stadiou Street, just around the corner from Syntagma Square. There might not be many options for what to see (usually they alternate between four films showing two on one day and the other two on the next) but you're treated to seeing a movie the way your grandparents did, with lush red seats, curtains and chandeliers, tickets with assigned seating, and intermissions for a refill of wine.

Many of the films shown are foreign with Greek subtitles. There are good odds if you speak French or English there will be one showing in your native tongue.


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